Peoplepreneur Founder, Growth Coach,
Personal Brand Strategist,
Unconventional Thought Leader
You may feel that life isn't as juicy, not because you've made 'good or bad' decisions; it's due to not making 'connected' ones. The misunderstood concept of purpose, where you try to live up to a singular definition, is ridiculous and impossible. There comes a point in everyone's life when they realise that life is more than themselves; for those, a purposeful path becomes an absolute must.
This workshop isn't about guesswork. We aren't here to make a disconnected statement trying to define your existence in a couple of hours. Instead, through self-discovery, you'll realise why you do what you've always done and understand what has been prevalent in your life. This will form the basis of what makes you purposeful.
Well, there are three ways: 1) A more profound understanding of what brings you a sense of purpose. Developing the insight into what is and isn't in alignment. 2) Know what themes surround your life, what consistently keeps coming into existence and why it's a significant flag to your future. 3) Clarity on what truly makes you purposeful.
I love your curiosity; it's a great sign of growth! Send over an email to